Social services

We have been working in the field of social services law for a long time, in which we have extensive experience in advising social service providers. We offer our professional practice to public and non-public social service providers, especially in the following matters:

  • establishment and registration of a social service provider,

  • construction of a social service facility and its commissioning,

  • financing of social services facilities,

  • creation of internal regulations and guidelines of the social services facility,

  • assessment of situations and consultation on application issues of Act no. 448/2004 Coll. on the provision of social services during the operation of a social service facility (e.g. mandatory minimum balance, economically justified costs, provision of social services to persons with limited legal capacity, enforcement of the property of the recipient of social services, establishment of a civil association within the facility, advice on financial control, custody of belongings of recipients of social services, etc.)

  • contracts on the provision of social services between the facility and recipients of social services,

  • payment of recipients for the provided social service and adjustment of its amount,

  • labor and legal advice regarding employees of the social service facility and organizational changes of the employer,

  • public procurement of services for a social service provider (e.g. catering),

  • contracts between the social service facility and third parties (suppliers of services and goods).

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